
Speedlabor of the SIG Mobile Learning

The FHNW group "Digitales Lehren und Lernen" hosts the first event of the Eduhub SIG Mobile Learning: the Speedlabor on Mobile Learning. This evening event on 13 November 2013 will allow professors and lecturers in Swiss higher education to learn about innovative concepts of integrating mobile technologies into their courses. We brought four interesting speakers together who will talk about different aspects of mobile learning in higher education.

The event will take place at the brand new FHNW Campus Brugg Windisch.

We invite Professors, lecturers and other practitioners in the higher education sector to learn about new concepts and practices of making practical use of mobile technologies in research and education. Our main target group are Swiss universities but we are open to welcome people from nearby institutions.

Besides my humble self, we have three very interesting speakers. Below you find the preliminary programme for the evening.  

  • Prof. Dr. Marcus Specht (Centre for Learning Sciences and Technologies, Open Universiteit, Niederlande)
    Mindful Learning Technologies
    Some key components of learning are curiosity, focus, flow, endurance, or the framing of new knowledge in relation to earlier experiences and knowledge. New technologies enable some of these but they also hinder some of these. The keynote will give some ideas on how to design seamless learning technologies in a mindful way to enable focus, avoid distraction, foster endurance and curiosity, or enable framing of experiences. The affordances of new technologies will therefore be mapped on how they can facilitate best conditions for learning, ranging from linking of real world activities and curricular structures to the usage of mobile notifications for reflection or awareness in acting and learning.
  • Dr. Christian Glahn (International Relations and Security Network, ETH Zürich, Schweiz)
    Mobile Mash-ups for Learning
    Integrating mobile technologies into educational concepts can be challenging. This presentation introduces educational design concepts and the related technologies for embedding mobile learning concepts with online blended-learning approaches.
  • Drs. Lonneke Luycks (Radboud Universiteit, Niederlande)
    Mobile Learning for Post-Doctoral Higher Education in the Netherlands
  • David Meier, lic. phil., MAS (Universität Zürich, Schweiz)
    Dynamic Contents for eBooks with iBooks Author and its Integration into iTunes U
    Classic eBooks merely provide a solution for static content. Apple's iBooks offer dynamic responsive books on the basis of HTML5. This functionality extends the field of application of classical ebooks significantly. In addition, you can integrate such books seamlessly into iTunes U which itself offers possibilities to publish teaching and learning materials.

After that there will be a small apero with plenty of opportunities for networking and exchaning ideas.

If you are interested joining us, please contact Stefan van der Vlies for registering. Please note that there is only a limited number of participants, so registering early is a very good idea!

Download the event to your calendar!