GMW 2013 perspectives on mobile learning

Last week I had the opportunity to present our project results at the GMW 2013 conference in Frankfurt a.M. and at the "Fernausbildungskongress" of the German Bundeswehr. The GMW conference is one of the prominent meetings of the German-speaking media-education and e-learning community for discussing the latest developments in education and learning with technologies. It featured a key note from Larry Johnson from the New Media Consortium ( as well as a dedicated track on mobile learning with presentations and posters. In this article I give an overview on the mobile learning perspectives that discussed at the GMW 2013.

Mobile Mashups mit der ADL TLA

This presentation provides an overview on the research and development problems for building integrated learning experiences in mobile blended learning environments. I presented these slides in the Mobile Learning Workshop on 8 September 2013 at the DeLFI Conference in Bremen, Germany.

Printing blank lines in Perl

Today I found out that my old XML Online Liner Post appears also with questions such as "how to print one blank line in perl". Of course, XML serializing does not help too much with this beginners' question. But it is dead easy so I write this recipie.

The solution

Either use old school Perl (works even on very, very old servers)

print "\n"; # note the double quotes!

or modern Perl (works practically everywhere but very very old servers).

use v5.10; # you always want to put this line to the beginning of your file!

Mobile Blended Learning mit Mobler Cards

Diese Präsentation gibt eine Einführung in das Konzept von Mobile Blended Learning und zeigt wie es in ILIAS realisiert werden kann.

Die Präsentation wurde am 10. Fernlehrkongress der Bundeswehr an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität in Hamburg gehalten.