Introduction to the Learning Design Cards

Technology enhanced learning is complex and must be prepared carefully. We all know that. Of course, we also know how to apply constructive alignment and scholarship of teaching for successful courses. But with every new technology it seems that nothing works anymore, and we have to start our course designs from scratch. Even worse, we get impatient if the technology does not work as we expect it. Again, education is complex, and if technology is involved, double so.

Wouldn't it be great, to have a tool that bundles this complexity, which allows to design and re-design blended learning concepts, and is easy enough for everybody to use independently from prior technology enhanced teaching experiences?

This is why we developed the Learning Design Cards (picture 1).

Designing For Great Teaching_EDUHUBDAYS_01.jpg Picture 1: Learning Design Cards, Marion R. Gruber, 2019

Designing for Great Teaching with Learning Design Cards

Designing For Great Teaching_EDUHUBDAYS_17.jpg

Designing learning and teaching with educational technologies is challenging in traditional higher education. In order to successfully blend lectures, it is important to structure learning processes and choose appropriate tools for the learning activities within. However, integrating technology-enhanced learning into individual teaching practices is very often constrained by limited time for rethinking course designs and teaching concepts. Therefore, support is needed for selecting and integrating appropriate technologies into teaching concepts, efficiently. As most teachers are drawing on an existing face-to-face teaching practice, such support needs to consider these transitions as part of transforming conventional teaching to technology-enhanced learning and reverse. The Learning Design Cards (see picture) are a pattern-based approach for preparing and analysing complex learning and teaching that allows professors and lecturers to build their teaching concepts on top of tested didactics. The solution provides a toolkit and a framework that helps to conceptualise, analyse, and communicate learning designs of different scales and speed-up the deployment of richer learning experiences using off-the-shelf LMS functions and features.

Job - Die DLF sucht Verstärkung!

Studieren Sie an der UZH oder an der ETH und suchen Sie eine Stelle, die mit dem Studium vereinbar ist? Für die Gestaltung und die Umsetzung von E-Book-Projekten (digitales Publizieren), die Gestaltung und die Erstellung digitaler Lernmaterialien im Learning Management System OLAT (Blended Learning, Online-Learning) sowie für die Mitwirkung an der Erstellung von Podcasts, Lernvideos und animierten Videos sucht das Team "Digitale Lehre und Forschung" der Philosophischen Fakultät, Universität Zürich eine/einen

Studentischer Mitarbeiter / studentische Mitarbeiterin für digitale Projekte in Lehre und Forschung

Beschäftigungsgrad 20%

BeAXi - Das mobile eAssessment-System

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MOOCs - Gratisvorlesungen für alle (ECO, SRF)

Am 13.1.2014 strahlte das Schweizer Fernsehen einen interessanten Beitrag über MOOCs aus.

"Renommierte Universitäten bieten Vorlesungen ihrer Professoren weltweit und kostenlos im Internet an. Mooc heisst das Angebot - Massive Open Online Courses, auf Deutsch: Internet-Vorlesungen für alle. Wie soll das funktionieren? Wieso versprechen sich Investoren längerfristig Gewinne? Und wieso haben Moocs bei der ETH-Lausanne oberste Priorität? «ECO» mit einem Hintergrund." [ECO, SRF]

Kunst? Was ist das?

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The European Qualifications Framework for Lifelong Learning

Beschreibung der EQF-Levels der EC:

DICE - Digital Copyright for E-Learning

The goal of DICE is to provide information, resources and a learning tool on how to deal with personal copyright problems related to higher education. It wants to be a valid resource to offer practical, user-oriented support in handling copyright issues emerging during day-to-day activities in education. [DICE]

Vortrag zu "Social Web im Studium" an der UZH

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Die Studierenden waren sehr interessiert. Es ergaben sich intensive Diskussionen zum Thema und zu Diensten wie Facebook.

Remixing High School Education with Hip Hop Genius

This is really a cool project!

Hip Hop Genius: Remixing High School Education from sam seidel on Vimeo.

Drawings: Mike McCarthy (student at College Unbound).

Mobile Uni-App der Universitaet St. Gallen

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