10th eduhub days, 18 years Swiss Virtual Campus - looking back and looking forward

The slides from the ETWG welcome address to the 10th eduhub days, the annual meeting of the Swiss academic e-learning community. How did technology change teaching and studying in higher education over the past 10 years. It raises questions that will concern the community in the coming 10 years.

Augmented Learning for the Digital Campus

Blended learning is insufficient concept for grasping the digital transformation in higher education institutions. This presentation gives a national perspective for Switzerland and an organisational perspective for measuring the transformation at the HTW Chur. It was presented at 27. Oct. 2017 in Bern at the swissuniversities "Tag der Lehre".

Blended Learning konkretisieren

Kurzeinführung zur praktischen Konzeption von Blended Learning Angeboten mit dem Churer Modell. Am Blended Learning Canvas werden die didaktischen Gestaltungsprinzipien für Blended Learning Angebote erklärt. Diese Präsentation ist Teil des Weiterbildungsangebots für Dozierende an der HTW Chur.

Blended Learning mit Moodle

Eine Kurzeinführung in das Churer Modell für Blended Learning mit Inspirationen für die Umsetzung mit Moodle. Diese Präsentation wurde am 10.08.2017 an der SSTH in Passugg im Rahmen einer Dozierendenkonferenz vorgestellt.

edu-ID Mobile App for Smart Environments

This presentation provides a brief community update on the status of the Swiss edu-ID Mobile App project at the 2017 SWITCH edu-ID information workshop on 29. June 2017 at University of Berne.

It presents the use cases directly covered by the project as well as the reference architecture. It provides a bunch of links to the different resources related to the project.

EduID Mobile App - Use-Cases, Concepts and Implementation

This presentation describes the token-agent implementation for openID Connect for authenticating native mobile apps provided by third parties. It presents a standards-based working solution for integrating loosely coupled native apps into a trust federation using. This allows for deeper integrated authentication services on Android and iOS without violating app-store policies.

This presentation has been part of the EduID Mobile App workshop at SWITCH on 25 Apr. 2017.

Thanks to Christoph Graf (SWITCH), Riccardo Mazza (USI), Michael Hausherr (FHNW), Goran Josic (USI), and Yann Cuttaz (USI).

Formative Assessment using the Mobler App

This presentation shares some experiences from 4 pilots of using the Mobler App at University of Zurich and at HTW Chur. These slides were presented together with Marion Gruber as show-and-tell at the eduhub days 2017 in Lugano, Switzerland.

Bridging XAPI into Higher Education: Learning Analytics, Ownership, and Privacy

This presentation targets privacy aspects organisations need to understand and to consider for implementing XAPI and related learning analytics in complex and heterogeneous learning environments.

Mobile Blended Learning

These slides were presented on 13. Oct. 2016 at the BFH in Bern, Switzerland. The slides cover practical approaches to blended learning in higher education.

Bootstrapping for Blended Learning

Introductory slides on which elements to focus when preparing for blended learning. This slidedeck has been used as a teaser for the CTI Train the Trainer workshop series.

Mobile Identities with the EduId Mobile App

Mobile Identity Management becomes increasingly relevant for organisations. Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) policies and a great diversity of native mobile apps ask universities for new ways of identity management. The Swiss EduID Mobile App project develops a solution for embracing the diversity of mobile applications and integrate them into the academic service portfolio. This presentation provides a first insight into the challenges and the technical approach we chose for linking mobile apps for students (and lecturers) with distributed academic services of the Swiss academic federation.

Connecting the Dots of Educational Technology

Drawing exercise about key concepts in TEL of our work at HTW Chur on the base of our projects. presented on 5. Apr. 2016 at Swissnex Boston

Digitale Demenz und Digitaler Analphabetismus

am 15. 3. 2015 habe ich im Rahmen der HTW Chur Uni Für Alle Vorlesungen den Vortrag "Digitale Demenz und Digitaler Analphabetismus" gehalten. In diesem Vortrag untersuchte ich beide Begriffe auf Hinweise ob sich diese Phänomene in empirischen Daten nachweisen lassen.

Unleashing Interaction with XAPI on Moodle

In this presentation I introduce the core concepts of the XAPI and report on how we integrated these concepts for interactive contents with the Moodle Plattform at HTW Chur using the PowerTLA Drop-in. The presentation gives a rough overview what it takes to build interactive content that uses interaction to track the learning experiences within an online learning environment.

I extended the slide deck so it now includes many technical details that link client code, XAPI results and the user experience.

Presented on 12. February 2016 at the Eduhub SAMOO meeting in Luzern.

Lessons learnt from using the Mobler App

This presentation outlines our experiences from the frist round of evaluating the Mobler app at the University of Zürich. It also includes some ideas on moving forward with formative assessments by looking at possible candidates on what to assess.

Presented together with Marion Gruber at the SIG E-Assessment Meeting on 8 Dec. 2015 in Brugg

AR Discovery - The Challenges

These slides outline some discovery problems I encountered in my past projects. These slides were presented at the AR Barcelona Meetup.

Interactive E-books Webinar

These slides were presented during the Eduhub Webinar on "interactive e-books" on 11 Dec. 2014. The webinar explored the origins of e-books, compares e-books with other content formats and apps. It analyses the different types of interaction and the implications of present technologies for the integration of "enriched digital book publications" into the educational portfolio. 

Lessons Learned from Linking ADL and Mobile Learning

Introducing mobile learning into an organisation requires more than just providing the technology and some content. Specifically, if mobile learning should get sustained as part pf the organizational education and training culture we need to consider many other factors, too. This presentation provides a head-first recommendations based on the experiences we made while designing, developing and deploying mobile apps for ADL. 

This presentation has been held at the NATO JADL Forum 2014 on 24 Sep. 2014, in Suffolk, VA, USA. 

New Patterns for ADL Architectures and Learning Designs

I gave this presentation to the ADL Initiative in Alexandria, VA to report on our 2013 ONRG project. It covers the approaches how we can translate new mobile learning and gamification to practitioners in military (and other types of) education. The presentation covers worked concepts that are integrated into the design of the ISN tools Mobler Cards and the ISN Personal Dossiers.

Patterns of Mobile Learning: From Mobile Content and Blended Learning to Mixed Reality Simulations

Educational design is complex when we need to consider the context and the mobility of the learner, too. In this presentation I touch briefly on some instructional design patterns for using mobile learning.

Don't miss to watch the full presentation online.

I presented these slides at the Interagency Mobile Learning Webinar Series on 22. May 2014.

Mobile Leanring Design - Not Just for Ilias

In this presentation I discuss how we approach instructional design for mobile learning at the ISN and give some practical examples.

The presentation was part of the "NATO eLearning Instructional Design Course" at the NATO School Oberammergau and has been presented on 14 May 2014.

Crowd sensing, mobiles, and Feedback

This presentation introduces the integration of models for inquiry-based learning and feedback with crowd sensing approaches in order to create solutions that are applicable in the real world.

Held on May, 1, 2014 at the JTEL Summer School in Malta.

Presenting your Research at the ECTEL Doctoral Consortium

Over the last four years of reviewing for the ECTEL Doctoral Consortium board I came across pretty much the same problems every year. This presentation condenses some recommendations that Ph.D. candidates should consider when putting a submission together. I hope this also helps for submissions to other doctoral consortia.

If you are interested to present you Ph.D. research at the ECTEL 2014 in Graz, Austria, check out the call for submissions.

Mobile Mashups for Learning

An overview on mashup technologies for mobile learning and how this concept can be used in practice. I presented the slides at the Joint Speedlabor of the Eduhub SIG Mobile Learning and FH/nw's digital Lernen group. Presented on 13 November 2013 in Brugg-Windisch, Switzerland.

ISN Personal Dossiers

Short introduction about the educational and technical challenges that are addressed by the ISN Personal Dossiers project. The slides were presented at the PfP ADL WG meeting on 7 Nov. 2013 in Warsaw, Poland.

Building Mobile Learning Apps with the TLA

This presentation was part of the joint TLA Workshop with Damon Regan at the PfP ADL WG meeting on 5 Nov. 2013 in Warsaw, Poland.

What is Mobile Blended Learning and How to Use It?

This presentation introduces the mobile blended learning concept and explains different approaches of bringing it into practice with the Mobler Cards app. Presented at the PfP ADL WG Meeting on 7 Nov. 2013 in Warsaw, Poland. 

Interoperability standards for connecting micro-learning mobile apps with web-based LMSes

These slides were presented at the Microlearning 7.0 Conference in Krems, Austria. They provide an overview of the interoperability challenges for implementing mobile micro learning apps with legacy learning management systems.

Mobile Mashups mit der ADL TLA

This presentation provides an overview on the research and development problems for building integrated learning experiences in mobile blended learning environments. I presented these slides in the Mobile Learning Workshop on 8 September 2013 at the DeLFI Conference in Bremen, Germany.

Mobile Blended Learning mit Mobler Cards

Diese Präsentation gibt eine Einführung in das Konzept von Mobile Blended Learning und zeigt wie es in ILIAS realisiert werden kann.

Die Präsentation wurde am 10. Fernlehrkongress der Bundeswehr an der Helmut-Schmidt-Universität in Hamburg gehalten.

TinCan in the Wild

This webinar introduces the main concepts of the of the XAPI and discusses how it has been used in a real world scenario of the Mobler Cards App.

The webinar part of the SWITCH Eduhub Webinar series on 25 July 2013.

Watch the webinar recording on YouTube.

Designaspekte für mobile Lernanwendungen

Presentation held at LearnTEC2013, 30 Jan. 2013 in Karlsruhe, Germany

Mobile Learning Readiness in the Swiss Armed Forces

Presentation held at the PfPC ADL WG meeting on 8 Nov. 2012 in Vienna. This presentation shows the preliminary findings for the first iteration of the mobile learning readiness study of the ISN Zurich.

Designing for Mobile Learning

Held at the PfPC ADL WG meeting on 7 Nov. 2012 in Vienna. The presentation shows the design principles that we have applied during the development of the Mobler Cards app.

Mobile Learning with Mobler Cards and the PfP LMS

Presented at the PfPC ADL WG meeting on 7 Nov. 2012 in Vienna. This presentation is a quick overview of the Mobler Cards app and the problems that we tackled.

Getting stated with Mobler Cards

Full day workshop on the concepts and practices of creating learning resources for the Mobler Cards app.

mADL 2012 Introduction

Introduction key-note to the mADL 2012 workshop on 14 October 2012 at mLearn 2012 in Helsinki, Finland.

Supporting learner mobility with Mobler Cards

Presentation of our technical findings at the mADL workshop in Helsinki.

Mobile Learning Theorie und Praxis

Presentation at the Switch SIG Mobile Learning Kick off meeting at the University of Zurich.

Challenges for Mobile Learning in Security and Defense Organizations

Presentation held at the Learning in Context Workshop, 26.03.2012 in Brussels.

Awareness, Feedback, Self-regulation

Presentation held at the CELSTEC Mobile Media Retreat on 28 November 2011 in Heerlen.

Mobile Informal Learning - Emerging Practices

Mobiles Informelles Lernen

German version of my presentation "Mobile informal learning - emerging practices". Held at the SCIL E-Learning Master class at the HSG.

Structuring mobile and contextual learning

Presented at the MLearn 2011

Mobiles Lernen Integrieren

Key-note on mobile and ubiquitous learning at the E-Learning Tag 2011 of the University of Innsbruck

Developments in Adaptive E-Learning

Quick overview of the research on adaptive e-learning problems that we addressed in the mobile lab of CELSTEC in the GRAPPLE project.

Prepare your Ph.D. Defense Presentation

Basic Introduction for presenting and defending your Ph.D. research in 20 minutes. Includes the important part of choosing and formulating research questions. Must read for everybody who works towards a Ph.D.

Html5 for Mobile Applications for Learning

Presentation from the Blueteam Workshop in the CELSTEC lab on 21 February 2011

Supporting the Reuse of Open Educational Resources through Open Standards

Presentation held at the ICCE2010 in Putrajaya, Malaysia. Paper available at dspace.ou.nl

Embedding Moodle into Ubiquitous Computing Environments


Presented at MLearn 2010 in Malta

Towards Mobile Learning Support

Orchestrating Learning with IMS LD

Presented at the ECTEL 2010 in Barcelona

Adaptative Learning Designs

This mini slideset introduces the key concepts of adaptive learning designs compared to other approaches of resource-based structuring of learning processes.

What is Adaptation and Personalization?

This slide-set introduces the concepts adaptation and personalisation of ICT systems. It identifies different types of adaptive and personalisable systems.

Mobile informal learning

Presentation held at the Future of mobile applications Workshop at the UMIC research center in Aachen, Germany, 26-02-2010

Mobile Informal Learning

Paper presented at the Alpine Rendezvous 2009 in Garmisch-Partenkirchen.

Personalisation Of Learning In Virtual Learning Environments

Presentation held at ECTEL2009, 1 Oct 2009, Nice, FR.

Reflection Support Using Multi Encoded Tag Clouds

Presented at the MUPPLE'09 Workshop at ECTEL'09 Sep 28, 2009 in Nice, FR

Perspectives on Tag-clouds

Presentation held at the "exploitation of usage and attention metadata" workshop (EUAM09) on Sep. 28, 2009 in Lübeck, Germany

Crossing Borders - Rethinking Learning in Organizations

Contextual Support of social engagement and reflection on the web

The 10 Minutes executive summary of my Ph.D. research results. Presented at my Ph.D. defense at the OpenUniversiteitNederland

Perspective And Contrast

Implications of writing, reading, and tagging on the web for reflection support in self-directed learning

More provocative variation of my ECTEL08 presentation on tagging and social navigation.

iPhone and iPod Touch in Learner Support

Presentation held at the SURF Onderwijsdagen (SURF Education Days) at 11.11. in Utecht, the Netherlands. The Cracked Open iPhone Picture is owned by cNet.

Nicht-formales Lernen in der Informationsgesellschaft - Tagging und Blogging

Gemeinsam mit Marion R. Gruber.

Nicht-formales Lernen in der Informationsgesellschaft

Gemeinsam mit Marion R. Gruber. Eine Einführung zur Lehrveranstaltung "Nicht-formales Lernen in der Informationsgesellschaft" an der Universität Innsbruck, Institut für Erziehungswissenschaften.

Implications of writing, reading, and tagging on the web for reflection support in informal learning

presented on 18 Sep 2008 at ECTEL08 in Maastricht, The Netherlands

Reflecting on Web-readings with Tag Clouds

Presented at 25 Sep 2008 at the "competence assessment and feedback" special track (CAF2008) at the ICL conference in Villach, Austria

Visualisation of Interaction Footprints for engagement and motivation in online communities, results of first interviews

presented at 2 June 2008 onthe "technology support for self organised lifelong learners" (TSSOLL08) track at the EDUMEDIA conference in Salzburg, Austria

Cross System Logfile Analysis for Hypothesis Testing

Presented in April 2008 at the TENCompetence Open Workshop in Madrid, Spain